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姓 名 Alexei A. Kornyshev 性 别
职 称 院士 毕业学校 莫斯科苏联科学院
个人主页 http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/a.kornyshev
邮 箱 a.kornyshev@imperial.ac.uk
科尔内舍夫•阿•亚历克西(Alexei A. Kornyshev),丹麦皇家科学与文学院外籍院士、英国皇家化学学会会士、皇家生物学会会士、英国物理学会会士、国际电化学学会会士和国际纯粹应用化学联合会会士,现任英国帝国理工学院化学物理系教授(主任),2019年受聘为华中科技大学名誉教授(永久性)和能源学院外聘专家。科尔内舍夫院士1974年博士毕业于莫斯科苏联科学院,曾任莫斯科苏联科学院首席科学家,德国Juelich研究中心能源系统材料与过程学院理论化学物理部负责人,杜塞尔多夫大学理论物理系教授等职位,于2002年起任帝国理工学院化学物理系系主任,曾获得洪堡物理化学与电化学奖(最高奖)、皇家学会Wolfson Merit科研奖、电子前沿基金会(EFCF)Christian Friedrich Schönbein科学贡献奖章等荣誉。科尔内舍夫院士任J. Phys.: Condensed Matter(IOP)编辑、Scientific Reports(Nature PG)化学物理专家组组长以及《Current Opinion Electrochemistry》、《Chemical Physics Letters》等期刊编委委员,曾组织Condensed Matter, Atomic & Molecular Aspects of Electrochemistry (1990), Electron and Ion Transfer in Condensed Media (1996)等国际学术会议24次,发表原创学术期刊论文280篇,综述30篇,8部专著/章节,Web of Science总引用数量达到>1.2万次,H因子>60。


    1964-1970     莫斯科工程物理学院           理论与实验物理学院            本科及硕士
     1970-1974     莫斯科苏联科学院              电化学学院                          博士
     1974-1986     莫斯科苏联科学院              电化学学院                          研究员
     1986-1988     莫斯科苏联科学院              电化学学院                          高级研究员
     1989-1996     莫斯科苏联科学院              电化学学院                          首席科学家
     1998-2002     Juelich研究中心                能源系统材料与过程学院     理论化学物理部负责人
     2001 - 2003     杜塞尔多夫大学                  理论物理系                         教授
     2002 - 今         帝国理工学院                      化学物理系                         教授/主任





    1.Eikerling M, Kornyshev AA, Kulikovsky AA, 2007, Physical modeling of fuel cells and their components, Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry, Editors: Bard J, Stratmann M, Weinheim, Publisher: Wiley-VCH, Pages: 425-543
    2.Kornyshev AA, Vorotyntsev MA, Spohr E, 2002, Electrochemical interfaces: at the border line, Encyclopedia of electrochemistry, volume 1, thermodynamics and electrified interfaces, Editors: Gileadi, Urbakh, Weinheim, Publisher: Wiley-VCH, Pages: 33-132, ISBN: 9783527303939
    3.Kornyshev AA, Sumetskii M, 1998, Beyond the landscapes: imaging the invisible, Electrochemical Nanotechnology, Editors: Lorentz, Plieth, Weinheim, Publisher: Wiley-VCH, Pages: 45-55
    4.Vorotyntsev MA, Kornyshev AA, 1993, Electrostatics of media with the spatial dispersion, moscow, Publisher: Nauka
    5.Kornyshev AA, 1988, Solvation of a metal surface, The chemical physics of solvation, Editors: Dogonadze, Kalman, Kornyshev, Ulstrup, Amsterdam, Publisher: Elsevier, Pages: 355-400
    6.Kornyshev AA, Ulstrup J, 1988, Solvation in action, The chemical physics of solvation, Editors: Dogonadze, Kalman, Kornyshev, Ulstrup, Amsterdam, Publisher: Elsevier
    7.Dogonadze RR, Kornyshev AA, Ulstrup J, 1985, Theoretical approaches to solvation, The Chemical Physics of Solvation, Editors: Dogonadze, Kalman, Kornyshev, Ulstrup, Publisher: Elsevier
    8.Kornyshev AA, 1985, Nonlocal electrostatics of solvation, The chemicalphysics of solvation, Editors: Dogonadze, Kalman, Kornyshev, Ulstrup, Amsterdam, Publisher: Elsevier, Pages: 77-118

    1.Bi S, Wang R, Liu S, Yan J, Mao B, Kornyshev AA, Feng Get al., 2018, Minimizing the electrosorption of water from humid ionic liquids on electrodes, Nature Communications, Vol: 9, ISSN: 2041-1723
    2.Bresme F, Robotham O, Chio W-IK, Gonzalez MA, Kornyshev Aet al., 2018, Debye screening, overscreening and specific adsorption in solutions of organic ions, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol: 20, Pages: 27684-27693, ISSN: 1463-9076
    3.Ma Y, Zagar C, Klemme DJ, Sikdar D, Velleman L, Montelongo Y, Oh S-H, Kucernak AR, Edel JB, Kornyshev AAet al., 2018, A Tunable Nanoplasmonic Mirror at an Electrochemical Interface, ACS Photonics, Vol: 5, Pages: 4604-4616, ISSN: 2330-4022
    4.Goodwin ZAH, Kornyshev AA, 2018, Theory of polymer-electrolyte-composite electroactuator sensors with flat or volume-filling electrodes, Soft Matter, Vol: 14, Pages: 7996-8005, ISSN: 1744-683X
    5.McEldrew M, Goodwin ZAH, Kornyshev AA, Bazant MZet al., 2018, Theory of the Double Layer in Water-in-Salt Electrolytes, Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters, Vol: 9, Pages: 5840-5846, ISSN: 1948-7185
    6.Budkov YA, Kolesnikov AL, Goodwin ZAH, Kiselev MG, Kornyshev AAet al., 2018, Theory of electrosorption of water from ionic liquids, Electrochimica Acta, Vol: 284, Pages: 346-354, ISSN: 0013-4686
    7.Goodwin Z, Eikerling M, Loewen H, Kornyshev AAet al., 2018, Theory of microstructured polymer-electrolyte artificial muscles, Smart Materials And Structures, Vol: 27, ISSN: 0964-1726
    8.Pivnic K, Fajardo OY, Bresme F, Kornyshev AA, Urbakh Met al., 2018, Mechanisms of Electrotunable Friction in Friction Force Microscopy Experiments with Ionic Liquids, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C, Vol: 122, Pages: 5004-5012, ISSN: 1932-7447
    9.HayleyWeir, Edel JB, Kornyshev AA, Sikdar Det al., 2018, Towards Electrotuneable Nanoplasmonic Fabry-Perot Interferometer, Scientific Reports, Vol: 8, ISSN: 2045-2322
    10.Velleman L, Scarabelli L, Sikdar D, Kornyshev AA, Liz-Marzan LM, Edel JBet al., 2017, Monitoring plasmon coupling and SERS enhancement through in situ nanoparticle spacing modulation, Faraday Discussions, Vol: 205, Pages: 67-83, ISSN: 1359-6640
    11.Chen M, Goodwin ZAH, Feng G, Kornyshev AAet al., 2017, On the temperature dependence of the double layer capacitance of ionic liquids., Journal Of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 819, Pages: 347-358, ISSN: 1572-6657
    12.Montelongo Y, Sikdar D, Ma Y, McIntosh AJS, Velleman L, Kucernak AR, Edel JB, Kornyshev AAet al., 2017, Electrotunable nanoplasmonic liquid mirror, Nature Materials, Vol: 16, Pages: 1127, ISSN: 1476-1122
    13.Rochester C, Sartor A, Pruessner G, Kornyshev AAet al., 2017, "One dimensional" double layer. The effect of size asymmetry of cations and anions on charge-storage in ultranarrow nanopores-an Ising model theory, Russian Journal Of Electrochemistry, Vol: 53, Pages: 1165-1170, ISSN: 1023-1935
    14.Goodwin ZAH, Kornyshev AA, 2017, Underscreening, overscreening and double-layer capacitance, Electrochemistry Communications, Vol: 82, Pages: 129-133, ISSN: 1388-2481
    15.Kolomeisky A, Kornyshev A, 2017, Current-generating double layer shoe with a porous sole, 254th National Meeting and Exposition of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS) on Chemistry's Impact on the Global Economy, Publisher: Amer Chemical Soc, ISSN: 0065-7727
    16.David A, Fajardo OY, Kornyshev AA, Urbakh M, Bresme Fet al., 2017, Electrotunable lubricity with ionic liquids: the influence of nanoscale roughness, Faraday Discussions, Vol: 199, Pages: 279-297, ISSN: 1359-6640
    17.Sikdar D, Bucher A, Zagar C, Kornyshev AAet al., 2017, Electrochemical plasmonic metamaterials: towards fast electro-tuneable reflecting nanoshutters, Faraday Discussions, Vol: 199, Pages: 585-602, ISSN: 1359-6640
    18.Fajardo OY, Bresme F, Kornyshev AA, Urbakh Met al., 2017, Water in Ionic Liquid Lubricants: Friend and Foe, Acs Nano, Vol: 11, Pages: 6825-6831, ISSN: 1936-0851
    19.Bazant M, Bennewitz R, Booth S, Dryfe R, Girault H, Hillman R, Kornyshev AA, Lee A, Lemay S, Mount A, Mugele F, Robotham O, Schatz G, Schiffrin D, Sikdar D, Smirnov E, Tivony R, Urbakh Met al., 2017, Electrovariable nanoplasmonics: general discussion, Faraday Discussions, Vol: 199, Pages: 603-613, ISSN: 1359-6640
    20.Kornyshev AA, Twidale RM, Kolomeisky AB, 2017, Current-Generating Double-Layer Shoe with a Porous Sole: Ion Transport Matters, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C, Vol: 121, Pages: 7584-7595, ISSN: 1932-7447
    21.Kolomeisky AB, Kornyshev AA, 2017, Current-generating 'double layer shoe' with a porous sole, Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 29, ISSN: 0953-8984
    22.Kolomeisky AB, Kornyshev AA, 2017, Current-generating 'double layer shoe' with a porous sole (vol 28, 464009, 2016), Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 29, ISSN: 0953-8984
    23.O'Lee DJ, Wynveen A, Kornyshev AA, 2017, Theory of phase segregation in DNA assemblies containing two different base-pair sequence types, New Journal Of Physics, Vol: 19, ISSN: 1367-2630
    24.Goodwin ZAH, Feng G, Kornyshev AA, 2017, Mean-Field Theory of Electrical Double Layer In Ionic Liquids with Account of Short-Range Correlations, Electrochimica Acta, Vol: 225, Pages: 190-197, ISSN: 0013-4686
    25.Friedl J, Markovits IIE, Herpich M, Feng G, Kornyshev AA, Stimming Uet al., 2017, Interface between an Au(111) Surface and an Ionic Liquid: The Influence of Water on the Double-Layer Capacitance, Chemelectrochem, Vol: 4, Pages: 216-220, ISSN: 2196-0216
    26.Kolomeisky AB, Kornyshev AA, 2016, Current-generating 'double layer shoe' with a porous sole, Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 28, ISSN: 0953-8984
    27.Kondrat S, Kornyshev A, Qiao R, 2016, Two tributaries of the electrical double layer Preface, Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 28, ISSN: 0953-8984
    28.Dudka M, Kondrat S, Kornyshev A, Oshanin Get al., 2016, Phase behaviour and structure of a superionic liquid in nonpolarized nanoconfinement, Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 28, ISSN: 0953-8984
    29.Sikdar D, Kornyshev AA, 2016, Theory of tailorable optical response of two-dimensional arrays of plasmonic nanoparticles at dielectric interfaces, Scientific Reports, Vol: 6, ISSN: 2045-2322
    30.Sikdar D, Hasan SB, Urbakh M, Edel JB, Kornyshev AAet al., 2016, Unravelling the optical responses of nanoplasmonic mirror-on-mirror metamaterials, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol: 18, Pages: 20486-20498, ISSN: 1463-9076
    31.Rochester CC, Kondrat S, Pruessner G, Kornyshev AAet al., 2016, Charging Ultrananoporous Electrodes with Size-Asymmetric Ions Assisted by Apolar Solvent, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C, Vol: 120, Pages: 16042-16050, ISSN: 1932-7447
    32.Lee DJO, Danilowicz C, Rochester C, Kornyshev AA, Prentiss Met al., 2016, Evidence of protein-free homology recognition in magnetic bead force-extension experiments, Proceedings Of The Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences, Vol: 472, ISSN: 1364-5021
    33.Qiao R, He Y, Kornyshev A, Huang J, Sumpter Bet al., 2016, Dynamic charge storage in nanopores filled with ionic liquids, Publisher: Amer Chemical Soc, ISSN: 0065-7727
    34.Cheung KCM, Chen X, Albrecht T, Kornyshev AAet al., 2016, Principles of a Single-Molecule Rectifier in Electrolytic Environment, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C, Vol: 120, Pages: 3089-3106, ISSN: 1932-7447
    35.Velleman L, Sikdar D, Turek VA, Kucernak AR, Roser SJ, Kornyshev AA, Edel JBet al., 2016, Tuneable 2D self-assembly of plasmonic nanoparticles at liquid| liquid interfaces, Nanoscale, Vol: 8, Pages: 19229-19241, ISSN: 2040-3364
    36.Edel JB, Kornyshev AA, Kucernak AR, Urbakh Met al., 2016, Fundamentals and applications of self-assembled plasmonic nanoparticles at interfaces, Chemical Society Reviews, Vol: 45, Pages: 1581-1596, ISSN: 0306-0012
    37.Kondrat S, Kornyshev AA, 2016, Pressing a spring: what does it take to maximize the energy storage in nanoporous supercapacitors?, Nanoscale Horizons, Vol: 1, Pages: 45-52, ISSN: 2055-6756
    38.Fajardo OY, Bresme F, Kornyshev AA, Urbakh Met al., 2015, Electrotunable Friction with Ionic Liquid Lubricants: How Important Is the Molecular Structure of the Ions?, Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters, Vol: 6, Pages: 3998-4004, ISSN: 1948-7185
    39.Rochester CC, Pruessner G, Kornyshev AA, 2015, Statistical Mechanics of 'Unwanted Electroactuation' in Nanoporous Supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta, Vol: 174, Pages: 978-984, ISSN: 0013-4686
    40.Lee DJO, Wynveen A, Albrecht T, Kornyshev AA, et al., 2015, Which way up? Recognition of homologous DNA segments in parallel and antiparallel alignments, Journal Of Chemical Physics, Vol: 142, ISSN: 0021-9606
    41.Demetriadou A, Kornyshev AA, 2015, Principles of nanoparticle imaging using surface plasmons, New Journal of Physics, Vol: 17, ISSN: 1367-2630
    42.Fajardo OY, Bresme F, Kornyshev AA, Urbakh M , 2015, Electrotunable lubricity with ionic liquid nanoscale films, Scientific Reports, Vol: 5, ISSN: 2045-2322
    43.Baumberg J, Noginov M, Aizpurua J, et al., 2015, Quantum plasmonics, gain and spasers: General discussion, Faraday Discussions, Vol: 178, Pages: 325-334, ISSN: 1359-6640
    44.He Y, Huang J, Sumpter BG, Kornyshev AA, Qiao R , 2015, Dynamic charge storage in ionic liquids-filled nanopores: insight from a computational cyclic voltammetry study, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Vol: 6, Pages: 22-30, ISSN: 1948-7185
    45.Marinescu M, Kornyshev AA, Flatte ME, 2015, Electrical control of Faraday rotation at a liquid-liquid interface, Faraday Discussions, Vol: 178, Pages: 363-370, ISSN: 1359-6640
    46.Cecchini MP, Turek VA, Demetriadou A, Britovsek G, Welton T, Kornyshev AA, Wilton-Ely JDET, Edel JB , 2014, Heavy metal sensing using self-assembled nanoparticles at a liquid-liquid interface, Advanced Optical Materials, Vol: 2, Pages: 966-977, ISSN: 2195-1071
    47.Fedorov MV, Kornyshev AA, 2014, Ionic liquids at electrified interfaces, Chemical Reviews, Vol: 114, Pages: 2978-3036, ISSN: 0009-2665
    48.Feng G, Jiang X, Qiao R, Kornyshev AA , 2014, Water in ionic liquids at electrified interfaces: the anatomy of electrosorption,ACS NANO, Vol: 8, Pages: 11685-11694, ISSN: 1936-0851
    49.Kondrat S, Wu P, Qiao R, Kornyshev AA , 2014, Accelerating charging dynamics in subnanometre pores, Nature Materials, Vol: 13, Pages: 387-393, ISSN: 1476-1122
    50.Kornyshev AA, Luque NB, Schmickler W, 2014, Differential capacitance of ionic liquid interface with graphite: the story of two double layers, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, Vol: 18, Pages: 1345-1349, ISSN: 1432-8488
    51.Kornyshev AA, Yang L-P, 2014, An unusual non-Tafel dependence for electron transfer reactions in ionic liquids at large electrode polarisations: Fiction or reality?, Electrochemistry Communications, Vol: 48, Pages: 173-177, ISSN: 1388-2481
    52.Lee AA, Kondrat S, Kornyshev AA, 2014, Single-File charge storage in conducting nanopores, Physical Review Letters, Vol: 113, ISSN: 0031-9007
    53.Lee AA, Kondrat S, Oshanin G, Kornyshev AA , 2014, Charging dynamics of supercapacitors with narrow cylindrical nanopores,Nanotechnology, Vol: 25, ISSN: 0957-4484
    54.Paget J, Walpole V, Jorquera MB, Edel JB, Urbakh M, Kornyshev AA, Demetriadou A , 2014, Optical properties of ordered self-assembled nanoparticle arrays at interfaces, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol: 118, Pages: 23264-23273, ISSN: 1932-7447
    55.Cecchini MP, Turek VA, Paget J, Kornyshev AA, Edel JB , 2013, Self-assembled nanoparticle arrays for multiphase trace analyte detection, Nature Materials, Vol: 12, Pages: 165-171, ISSN: 1476-1122
    56.Edel JB, Kornyshev AA, Urbakh M, 2013, Self-Assembly of nanoparticle arrays for use as mirrors, sensors, and antennas, ACS NANO, Vol: 7, Pages: 9526-9532, ISSN: 1936-0851
    57.Kondrat S, Kornyshev A, 2013, Superionic state in double-layer capacitors with nanoporous electrodes (vol 23, 022201, 2011),Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 25, ISSN: 0953-8984
    58.Kondrat S, Kornyshev A, 2013, Charging dynamics and optimization of nanoporous supercapacitors, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol: 117, Pages: 12399-12406, ISSN: 1932-7447
    59.Kondrat S, Kornyshev A, Stoeckli F, Centeno TA , 2013, The effect of dielectric permittivity on the capacitance of nanoporous electrodes, Electrochemistry Communications, Vol: 34, Pages: 348-350, ISSN: 1388-2481
    60.Kornyshev AA, 2013, The simplest model of charge storage in single file metallic nanopores, Faraday Discussions, Vol: 164, Pages: 117-133, ISSN: 1359-6640
    61.Kornyshev AA, Leikin S, 2013, Helical structure determines different susceptibilities of dsDNA, dsRNA, and tsDNA to counterion-induced condensation, Biophysical Journal, Vol: 104, Pages: 2031-2041, ISSN: 0006-3495
    62.Lee AA, Colby RH, Kornyshev AA, 2013, Statics and dynamics of electroactuation with single-charge-carrier ionomers, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 25, ISSN: 0953-8984
    63.Lee AA, Colby RH, Kornyshev AA, 2013, Electroactuation with single charge carrier ionomers: the roles of electrostatic pressure and steric strain, Soft Matter, Vol: 9, Pages: 3767-3776, ISSN: 1744-683X
    64.Lee DJ, Cortini R, Korte AP, Starostin EL, van der Heijden GHM, Kornyshev AA , 2013, Chiral effects in dual-DNA braiding,Soft Matter, Vol: 9, Pages: 9833-9848, ISSN: 1744-683X
    65.Rochester CC, Lee AA, Pruessner G, Kornyshev AA , 2013, Interionic interactions in conducting nanoconfinement,Chemphyschem, Vol: 14, Pages: 4121-4125, ISSN: 1439-4235
    66.Turek VA, Elliott LN, Tyler AII, Demetriadou A, Paget J, Cecchini MP, Kucernak AR, Kornyshev AA, Edel JB , 2013, Self-Assembly and applications of ultraconcentrated nanoparticle solutions, ACS NANO, Vol: 7, Pages: 8753-8759, ISSN: 1936-0851
    67.Cortini R, Lee DJ, Kornyshev A, 2012, Chiral electrostatics breaks the mirror symmetry of DNA supercoiling, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 24, ISSN: 0953-8984
    68.Kondrat S, Perez CR, Presser V, Gogotsi Y, Kornyshev AA , 2012, Effect of pore size and its dispersity on the energy storage in nanoporous supercapacitors, Energy & Environmental Science, Vol: 5, Pages: 6474-6479, ISSN: 1754-5692
    69.Kornyshev AA, Marinescu M, Paget J, Urbakh M , 2012, Reflection of light by metal nanoparticles at electrodes, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol: 14, Pages: 1850-1859, ISSN: 1463-9076
    70.Marinescu M, Urbakh M, Kornyshev AA, 2012, Voltage-dependent capacitance of metallic nanoparticles at a liquid/liquid interface,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol: 14, Pages: 1371-1380, ISSN: 1463-9076
    71.Turek VA, Cecchini MP, Paget J, Kucernak AR, Kornyshev AA, Edel JB , 2012, Plasmonic ruler at the liquid-liquid interface,ACS NANO, Vol: 6, Pages: 7789-7799, ISSN: 1936-0851
    72.Bazant MZ, Storey BD, Kornyshev AA, 2011, Double layer in ionic liquids: overscreening versus crowding, Physical Review Letters, Vol: 106, ISSN: 0031-9007
    73.Cortini R, Kornyshev AA, Lee DJ, Leikin S , 2011, Electrostatic braiding and homologous pairing of dna double helices,Biophysical Journal, Vol: 101, Pages: 875-884, ISSN: 0006-3495
    74.Kondrat S, Georgi N, Fedorov MV, Kornyshev AA, 2011, A superionic state in nano-porous double-layer capacitors: insights from Monte Carlo simulations, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol: 13, Pages: 11359-11366, ISSN: 1463-9076
    75.Kondrat S, Kornyshev A, 2011, Superionic state in double-layer capacitors with nanoporous electrodes, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 23, ISSN: 0953-8984
    76.Kornyshev AA, 2011, Sasha's music of spheres, Journal of electroanalytical chemistry, Vol: 660, Pages: 220-221, ISSN: 1572-6657
    77.Kornyshev AA, Lee DJ, Wynveen A, Leikin S , 2011, SigNATUREs of DNA flexibility, interactions and sequence-related structural variations in classical X-ray diffraction patterns., Nucleic Acids Res, Vol: 39, Pages: 7289-7299
    78.Kornyshev AA, Tsirlina GA, Ulstrup J, 2011, Special issue physics and chemistry of charge transfer in condensed media special issue in honour of alexander m. kuznetsov preface, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 660, Pages: 217-219, ISSN: 1572-6657
    79.Fedorov MV, Georgi N, Kornyshev AA, 2010, Double layer in ionic liquids: The NATURE of the camel shape of capacitance,Electrochemistry Communications, Vol: 12, Pages: 296-299, ISSN: 1388-2481
    80.Flatte ME, Kornyshev AA, Urbakh M, 2010, Electrovariable nanoplasmonics and self-assembling smart mirrors, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol: 114, Pages: 1735-1747, ISSN: 1932-7447
    81.Georgi N, Kornyshev AA, Fedorov MV, 2010, The anatomy of the double layer and capacitance in ionic liquids with anisotropic ions Electrostriction vs lattice saturation, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 649, Pages: 261-267, ISSN: 1572-6657
    82.Kornyshev AA, 2010, Physics of DNA: unravelling hidden abilities encoded in the structure of 'the most important molecule',Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol: 12, Pages: 12352-12378, ISSN: 1463-9076
    83.Kornyshev AA, 2010, From biologically-inspired physics to physics-inspired biology, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 22, ISSN: 0953-8984
    84.Kornyshev AA, Kucernak AR, Marinescu M, Monroe CW, Sleightholme AES, Urbakh M , 2010, Ultra-Low-Voltage Electrowetting, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol: 114, Pages: 14885-14890, ISSN: 1932-7447
    85.Kornyshev AA, Olson W, 2010, From DNA-inspired physics to physics-inspired biology PREFACE, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 22, ISSN: 0953-8984
    86.Lee DJ, Wynveen A, Kornyshev AA, Leikin S, 2010, Undulations enhance the effect of helical structure on DNA interactions,Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol: 114, Pages: 11668-11680, ISSN: 1520-6106
    87.Marinescu M, Urbakh M, Barnea T, Kucernak AR, Kornyshev AA , 2010, Electrowetting dynamics facilitated by pulsing,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol: 114, Pages: 22558-22565, ISSN: 1932-7447
    88.Baldwin GS, Brooks NJ, Robson RE, Wynveen A, Goldar A, Leikin S, Seddon JM, Kornyshev AA , 2009, DNA double helices recognize mutual sequence homology in a protein free environment, Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Vol: 26, Pages: 880-880, ISSN: 0739-1102
    89.Fedorov MV, Kornyshev AA, 2009, Ionic liquid near a charged wall: structure and capacitance of electrical double layer., Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol: 113, Pages: 4500-4500, ISSN: 1520-6106
    90.Flatte ME, Kornyshev AA, Urbakh M, 2009, Nanoparticles at electrified liquid-liquid interfaces: new options for electro-optics,Faraday Discussions, Vol: 143, Pages: 109-115, ISSN: 1359-6640
    91.Kornyshev A, 2009, How physics can inspire biology, Physics World, Vol: 22, Pages: 16-17, ISSN: 0953-8585
    92.Kornyshev AA, Spohr E, 2009, Proton transport in polymer electrolyte membranes using theory and classical molecular dynamics,Device and Materials Modeling in Pem Fuel Cells, Vol: 113, Pages: 349-363, ISSN: 0303-4216
    93.Kornyshev AA, Wynveena A, 2009, The homology recognition well as an innate property of DNA structure, Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, Vol: 106, Pages: 4683-4688, ISSN: 0027-8424
    94.Kowalski K, Long NJ, Kuimova MK, Kornyshev AA, Taylor AG, White AJP , 2009, Synthesis and characterisation of substituted diphenylamines-charge-transfer, donor-acceptor systems localised at water-oil interfaces, New Journal of Chemistry, Vol: 33, Pages: 598-606, ISSN: 1144-0546
    95.Lee D, Kornyshev AA, 2009, Homology recognition funnel, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol: 131, ISSN: 0021-9606
    96.Levin Y, Kornyshev A, Barbosa MC, 2009, Ionic fluids PREFACE, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 21, ISSN: 0953-8984
    97.Monroe CW, Urbakh M, Kornyshev AA, 2009, Double-Layer effects in electrowetting with two conductive liquids, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol: 156, Pages: P21-P28, ISSN: 0013-4651
    98.Albrecht T, Kornyshev A, Bjornholm T, 2008, Charge transport in nanoscale junctions - Preface, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 20, ISSN: 0953-8984
    99.Baldwin GS, Brooks NJ, Robson RE, Wynveen A, Goldar A, Leikin S, Seddon JM, Kornyshev AA , 2008, DNA double helices recognize mutual sequence homology in a protein free environment, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol: 112, Pages: 1060-1064, ISSN: 1520-6106
    100.Cherstvy AG, Kolomeisky AB, Kornyshev AA, 2008, Protein-DNA interactions: Reaching and recognizing the targets, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol: 112, Pages: 4741-4750, ISSN: 1520-6106
    101.Eikerling M, Kornyshev AA, Spohr E, 2008, Proton-Conducting polymer electrolyte membranes: Water and structure in charge,Fuel Cells I, Vol: 215, Pages: 15-54, ISSN: 0065-3195
    102.Fedorov MV, Kornyshev AA, 2008, Ionic liquid near a charged wall: Structure and capacitance of electrical double layer, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol: 112, Pages: 11868-11872, ISSN: 1520-6106
    103.Fedorov MV, Kornyshev AA, 2008, Towards understanding the structure and capacitance of electrical double layer in ionic liquids,Electrochimica Acta, Vol: 53, Pages: 6835-6840, ISSN: 0013-4686
    104.Flatte ME, Kornyshev AA, Urbakh M, 2008, Giant Stark effect in quantum dots at liquid/liquid interfaces: A new option for tunable optical filters, Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, Vol: 105, Pages: 18212-18214, ISSN: 0027-8424
    105.Flatte ME, Kornyshev AA, Urbakh M, 2008, Understanding voltage-induced localization of nanoparticles at a liquid-liquid interface,Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 20, ISSN: 0953-8984
    106.Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, 2008, Simple theory of current fluctuations and noise in bridge-mediated nano-junctions, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 20, ISSN: 0953-8984
    107.Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, 2008, A new type of in situ single molecule rectifier (vol 7, pg 1036, 2006), Chemphyschem, Vol: 9, Pages: 1092-1092, ISSN: 1439-4235
    108.Wynveen A, Lee DJ, Kornyshev AA, Leikin S , 2008, Helical coherence of DNA in crystals and solution, Nucleic Acids Research, Vol: 36, Pages: 5540-5551, ISSN: 0305-1048
    109.Eikerling M, Kornyshev A, Kucernak A, 2007, Driving the hydrogen economy, Physics World, Vol: 20, Pages: 32-36, ISSN: 0953-8585
    110.Fedorov MV, Kornyshev AA, 2007, Unravelling the solvent response to neutral and charged solutes, Molecular Physics, Vol: 105, Pages: 1-16, ISSN: 0026-8976
    111.Girault H, Kornyshev AA, Monroe CW, Urbakh M , 2007, Functionalized liquid-liquid interfaces, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 19, ISSN: 0953-8984
    112.Kornyshev AA, 2007, Double-layer in ionic liquids: Paradigm change?, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol: 111, Pages: 5545-5557, ISSN: 1520-6106
    113.Kornyshev AA, Kuimova M, Kuznetsov AM, Ulstrup J, Urbakh M , 2007, Light-driven molecular machine at ITIES, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 19, ISSN: 0953-8984
    114.Kornyshev AA, Lee DJ, Leikin S, Wynveen A , 2007, Structure and interactions of biological helices, Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol: 79, Pages: 943-996, ISSN: 0034-6861
    115.Monroe CW, Urbakh M, Kornyshev AA, 2007, The distinctive electrowetting properties of ITIES, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 19, ISSN: 0953-8984
    116.Rudd L, Lee DJ, Kornyshev AA, 2007, The role of electrostatics in the B to A transition of DNA: from solution to assembly, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 19, ISSN: 0953-8984
    117.Urbakh M, Monroe CW, Daikhin LI, Kornyshev AA , 2007, Electrowetting with electrolytes, Abstracts of Papers of The American Chemical Society, Vol: 233, ISSN: 0065-7727
    118.Eikerling M, Kornyshev AA, Kucernak AR, 2006, Water in polymer electrolyte fuel cells: Friend or foe?, Physics Today, Vol: 59, Pages: 38-44, ISSN: 0031-9228
    119.Kornyshev AA, Kumetsov AM, 2006, Potential distribution in an in situ nano-gap, Electrochemistry Communications, Vol: 8, Pages: 679-682, ISSN: 1388-2481
    120.Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, 2006, A new type of in situ single-molecule rectifier, Chemphyschem, Vol: 7, Pages: 1036-1040, ISSN: 1439-4235
    121.Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, 2006, Single molecule tunneling conductance: The temperature and length dependences controlled by conformational fluctuations, Chemical Physics, Vol: 324, Pages: 276-279, ISSN: 0301-0104
    122.Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, Ulstrup J, 2006, In situ superexchange electron transfer through a single molecule: A rectifying effect,Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, Vol: 103, Pages: 6799-6804, ISSN: 0027-8424
    123.Monroe CW, Daikhin LI, Urbakh M, Kornyshev AA , 2006, Electrowetting with electrolytes, Physical Review Letters, Vol: 97, ISSN: 0031-9007
    124.Monroe CW, Daikhin LI, Urbakh M, Kornyshev AA , 2006, Principles of electrowetting with two immiscible electrolytic solutions,Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol: 18, Pages: 2837-2869, ISSN: 0953-8984
    125.Rudd L, Lee DJ, Kornyshev AA, 2006, On the physical NATURE of mesophases of guanosine gels, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol: 8, Pages: 4347-4358, ISSN: 1463-9076
    126.Schuster G, Naaman R, Kornyshev A, Calvo E, Tao N, Barbero C, Toppari J, Porath D, Bjornholm T, McCreery R, Remacle F, Bryce M, Lindsay S, Smith D, Van der Zant H, Rovira C, Fermin D, Higgins S, Kubatkin S, Ulstrup J, Larsson S, Davis J, Nichols R, Rampi M, Harriman A, Kuznetsov A, Brust, Nichols R, Van Zalinge H, Barbero C , 2006, General discussion, Faraday Discussions, Vol: 131, Pages: 393-402, ISSN: 1364-5498
    127.Tao N, Rampi M, Fermin D, Calvo E, Nichols R, Higgins S, Bryce M, Rovira C, McCreery R, Fitzmaurice D, Bjornholm T, Barbero C, Naaman R, Albrecht T, Ulstrup J, Fermin D, Calvo E, Schiffrin D, Davis J, Kornyshev A, Chi Q, Brust, Geskin V, Weber H, Tao N, Lindsay S, Kuznetsov A, Haiss W, Larsson S, Smith D, Macdonald E, Solomon G, Wandlowski T , 2006, General discussion,Faraday Discussions, Vol: 131, Pages: 307-324, ISSN: 1359-6640
    128.Cherstvy AG, Kornyshev AA, 2005, DNA melting in aggregates: Impeded or facilitated?, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol: 109, Pages: 13024-13029, ISSN: 1520-6106
    129.Daikhin LI, Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, Urbakh M , 2005, ITIES fluctuations induced by easily transferable ions, Chemical Physics, Vol: 319, Pages: 253-260, ISSN: 0301-0104
    130.Eikerling M, Kornyshev AA, Lust E, 2005, Optimized structure of nanoporous carbon-based double-layer capacitors, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol: 152, Pages: E24-E33, ISSN: 0013-4651
    131.Eikerling M, Kornyshev AA, Kulikovsky AA, 2005, Can theory help to improve fuel cells?, Fuel Cell Review, Vol: January, Pages: 16-24, ISSN: 1743-3029
    132.Kornyshev AA, Kumetsov AM, Ulstrup J, 2005, Double-tunnel nanoscale switch with a redox mediator: Operational principles and tunneling spectroscopy, Chemphyschem, Vol: 6, Pages: 583-586, ISSN: 1439-4235
    133.Kulikovsky AA, Kucemak A, Kornyshev AA, 2005, Feeding PEM fuel cells, Electrochimica Acta, Vol: 50, Pages: 1323-1333, ISSN: 0013-4686
    134.Monroe CW, Urbakh M, Kornyshev AA, 2005, Understanding the anatomy of capacitance at interfaces between two immiscible electrolytic solutions, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 582, Pages: 28-40, ISSN: 0022-0728
    135.Wynveen A, Lee DJ, Kornyshev AA, 2005, Statistical mechanics of columnar DNA assemblies, European Physical Journal E, Vol: 16, Pages: 303-318, ISSN: 1292-8941
    136.Ball P, Fuller W, Halle B, Kornyshev A , 2004, Water-DNA interactions as studied by X-ray and neutron fibre diffraction - Discussion, Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society of London Series b-Biological Sciences, Vol: 359, Pages: 1247-1248, ISSN: 0962-8436
    137.Cherstvy AG, Kornyshev AA, Leikin S, 2004, Torsional deformation of double helix in interaction and aggregation of DNA, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol: 108, Pages: 6508-6518, ISSN: 1520-6106
    138.Eikerling M, Ioselevich AS, Kornyshev AA, 2004, How good are the Electrodes we use in PEFC?, Fuel Cells, Vol: 4, Pages: 131-140, ISSN: 1615-6846
    139.Ioselevich AS, Kornyshev AA, Steinke JHG, 2004, Fine morphology of proton-conducting ionomers, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol: 108, Pages: 11953-11963, ISSN: 1520-6106
    140.Kornyshev A, Smith JC, Daniel RM, Halle B, Wilson K , 2004, Structure, dynamics and reactions of protein hydration water - Discussion, Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society of London Series b-Biological Sciences, Vol: 359, Pages: 1189-1190, ISSN: 0962-8436
    141.Kornyshev AA, Urbakh M, 2004, Direct energy transfer at electrified liquid-liquid interfaces: a way to study interface morphology on mesoscopic scales, Electrochemistry Communications, Vol: 6, Pages: 703-707, ISSN: 1388-2481
    142.Kornyshev AA, Wynveen A, 2004, Nonlinear effects in the torsional adjustment of interacting DNA, Physical Review E, Vol: 69, ISSN: 1539-3755
    143.Lee DJ, Wynveen A, Kornyshev AA, 2004, DNA-DNA interaction beyond the ground state, Physical Review E, Vol: 70, ISSN: 1539-3755
    144.Verdes CG, Urbakh M, Kornyshev AA, 2004, Surface tension and ion transfer across the interface of two immiscible electrolytes,Electrochemistry Communications, Vol: 6, Pages: 693-699, ISSN: 1388-2481
    145.Commer P, Cherstvy AG, Spohr E, Kornyshev AA , 2003, The effect of water content on proton transport in polymer electrolyte membranes, Fuel Cells, Vol: 2, Pages: 127-136, ISSN: 1615-6846
    146.Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, Spohr E, Ulstrup J , 2003, Kinetics of proton transport in water, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol: 107, Pages: 3351-3366, ISSN: 1520-6106
    147.Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, Urbakh M, 2003, Surface polaron effect on the ion transfer across the interface of two immiscible electrolytes, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, Vol: 39, Pages: 119-124, ISSN: 1023-1935
    148.Cherstvy AG, Kornyshev AA, Leikin S, 2002, Temperature-dependent DNA condensation triggered by rearrangement of adsorbed cations, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol: 106, Pages: 13362-13369, ISSN: 1520-6106
    149.Eikerling M, Kornyshev AA, 2002, Proton transfer in a single pore of a polymer electrolyte membrane (vol 502, pg 1, 2001),Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 528, Pages: 196-197, ISSN: 0022-0728
    150.Eikerling M, Kornyshev AA, 2002, Corrigendum to "proton transfer in a single pore of a polymer electrolyte membrane", Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 528, Pages: 196-197, ISSN: 0022-0728
    151.Harreis HM, Kornyshev AA, Likos CN, Lowen H, Sutmann G , 2002, Phase behavior of columnar DNA assemblies, Physical Review Letters, Vol: 89, ISSN: 0031-9007
    152.Ioselevich AS, Kornyshev AA, 2002, Approximate symmetry laws for percolation in complex systems: Percolation in polydisperse composites, Physical Review E, Vol: 65, ISSN: 1539-3755
    153.Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, Urbakh M, 2002, Coupled ion-interface dynamics and ion transfer across the interface of two immiscible liquids, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol: 117, Pages: 6766-6779, ISSN: 0021-9606
    154.Kornyshev AA, Leikin S, Malinin SV, 2002, Chiral electrostatic interaction and cholesteric liquid crystals of DNA, European Physical Journal E, Vol: 7, Pages: 83-93, ISSN: 0253-2786
    155.Spohr E, Commer P, Kornyshev AA, 2002, Enhancing proton mobility in polymer electrolyte membranes: Lessons from molecular dynamics simulations, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol: 106, Pages: 10560-10569, ISSN: 1520-6106
    156.Daikhin LI, Kornyshev AA, Urbakh M, 2001, Ion penetration into an 'unfriendly medium' and the double layer capacitance of the interface between two immiscible electrolytes, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 500, Pages: 461-470, ISSN: 0022-0728
    157.Dohle H, Kornyshev AA, Kulikovsky AA, Mergel J, Stolten D , 2001, The current voltage plot of PEM fuel cell with long feed channels, Electrochemistry Communications, Vol: 3, Pages: 73-80, ISSN: 1388-2481
    158.Eikerling M, Kornyshev AA, 2001, Proton transfer in a single pore of a polymer electrolyte membrane, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 502, Pages: 1-14, ISSN: 0022-0728
    159.Eikerling M, Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, Ulstrup J, Walbran S , 2001, Mechanisms of proton conductance in polymer electrolyte membranes, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol: 105, Pages: 3646-3662, ISSN: 1089-5647
    160.Ioselevich AS, Kornyshev AA, 2001, Phenomenological Theory of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode, Fuel Cells, Vol: 1, Pages: 40-65, ISSN: 1615-6846
    161.Kornyshev AA, Kulikovsky AA, 2001, Characteristic length of fuel and oxygen consumption in feed channels of polymer electrolyte fuel cells, Electrochimica Acta, Vol: 46, Pages: 4389-4395, ISSN: 0013-4686
    162.Kornyshev AA, Leikin S, 2001, Sequence recognition in the pairing of DNA duplexes, Physical Review Letters, Vol: 86, Pages: 3666-3669, ISSN: 0031-9007
    163.Kornyshev AA, Nitzan A, 2001, Effect of overscreening on the localization of hydrated electrons, Zeitschrift Fur Physikalische Chemie-International Journal of Research in Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics, Vol: 215, Pages: 701-715, ISSN: 0942-9352
    164.Kornyshev AA, Leikin S, 2001, DNA need not unzip (Available online), Physical Review Focus, ISSN: 1539-0748
    165.Walbran S, Kornyshev AA, 2001, Proton transport in polarizable water, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol: 114, Pages: 10039-10048, ISSN: 0021-9606
    166.Daikhin LI, Kornyshev AA, Urbakh M, 2000, Capillary waves at soft electrified interfaces, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 483, Pages: 68-80, ISSN: 1572-6657
    167.Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, Nielsen JU, Ulstrup J , 2000, Overpotential-induced lability of the electronic overlap factor in long-range electrochemical electron transfer: charge and distance dependence, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol: 2, Pages: 141-144, ISSN: 1463-9076
    168.Kornyshev AA, Leikin S, 2000, Electrostatic interaction between long, rigid helical macromolecules at all interaxial angles, Physical Review E, Vol: 62, Pages: 2576-2596, ISSN: 1063-651X
    169.Kornyshev AA, Leikin S, 2000, Twist in chiral interaction between biological helices, Physical Review Letters, Vol: 84, Pages: 2537-2540, ISSN: 0031-9007
    170.Kulikovsky AA, Divisek J, Kornyshev AA, 2000, Modeling the cathode compartment of polymer electrolyte fuel cells: Dead and active reaction zones (vol 146, pg 3981, 1999), Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol: 147, Pages: 2419-2419, ISSN: 0013-4651
    171.Kulikovsky AA, Divisek J, Kornyshev AA, 2000, Two-dimensional simulation of direct methanol fuel cell - A new (embedded) type of current collector, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol: 147, Pages: 953-959, ISSN: 0013-4651
    172.Daikhin LI, Kornyshev AA, Urbakh M, 1999, The effect of electric field on capillary waves at the interface of two immiscible electrolytes, Chemical Physics Letters, Vol: 309, Pages: 137-142, ISSN: 0009-2614
    173.Eikerling M, Kornyshev AA, 1999, Electrochemical impedance of the cathode catalyst layer in polymer electrolyte fuel cells,Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 475, Pages: 107-123, ISSN: 0022-0728
    174.Ioselevich A, Kornyshev AA, Lehnert W, 1999, Statistical geometry of reaction space in porous cermet anodes based on ion-conducting electrolytes - Patterns of degradation, Solid State Ionics, Vol: 124, Pages: 221-237, ISSN: 0167-2738
    175.Kornyshev AA, Leikin S, 1999, Electrostatic zipper motif for DNA aggregation, Physical Review Letters, Vol: 82, Pages: 4138-4141, ISSN: 0031-9007
    176.Kornyshev AA, Leikin S, 1999, Electrostatic interaction between dna helices in dense aggregates. An impetus for DNA poly- and meso-morphism, Biophysical Journal, Vol: 76, Pages: A263-A263, ISSN: 0006-3495
    177.Kornyshev AA, Sutmann G, 1999, Nonlocal dielectric function of water: how strong are the effects of intramolecular charge form factors?, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Vol: 82, Pages: 151-160, ISSN: 0167-7322
    178.Kulikovsky AA, Divisek J, Kornyshev AA, 1999, Modeling the cathode compartment of polymer electrolyte fuel cells: Dead and active reaction zones, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol: 146, Pages: 3981-3991, ISSN: 0013-4651
    179.Bopp PA, Kornyshev AA, Sutmann G, 1998, Frequency and wave-vector dependent dielectric function of water: Collective modes and relaxation spectral, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol: 109, Pages: 1939-1958, ISSN: 0021-9606
    180.Daikhin LI, Kornyshev AA, Urbakh M, 1998, Nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann theory of a double layer at a rough metal/electrolyte interface: A new look at the capacitance data on solid electrodes, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol: 108, Pages: 1715-1723, ISSN: 0021-9606
    181.Eikerling M, Kharkats YI, Kornyshev AA, Volfkovich YM , 1998, Phenomenological theory of electro-osmotic effect and water management in polymer electrolyte proton-conducting membranes, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol: 145, Pages: 2684-2699, ISSN: 0013-4651
    182.Eikerling M, Kornyshev AA, 1998, Modelling the performance of the cathode catalyst layer of polymer electrolyte fuel cells,Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 453, Pages: 89-106, ISSN: 1572-6657
    183.Kornyshev AA, Leikin S, 1998, Theory of interaction between helical molecules (vol 107, pg 3656, 1997), Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol: 108, Pages: 7035-7035, ISSN: 0021-9606
    184.Kornyshev AA, Leikin S, 1998, Symmetry laws for interaction between helical macromolecules, Biophysical Journal, Vol: 75, Pages: 2513-2519, ISSN: 0006-3495
    185.Kornyshev AA, Leikin S, 1998, Electrostatic interaction between helical macromolecules in dense aggregates: An impetus for DNA poly- and mesomorphism, Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, Vol: 95, Pages: 13579-13584, ISSN: 0027-8424
    186.Kornyshev AA, Sutmann G, 1998, Nonlocal nonlinear static dielectric response of polar liquids, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 450, Pages: 143-156, ISSN: 0022-0728
    187.Abel J, Kornyshev AA, Lehnert W, 1997, Correlated resistor network study of porous solid oxide fuel cell anodes, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol: 144, Pages: 4253-4259, ISSN: 0013-4651
    188.Eikerling M, Kornyshev AA, Stimming U, 1997, Electrophysical properties of polymer electrolyte membranes: A random network model, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol: 101, Pages: 10807-10820, ISSN: 1520-6106
    189.Ioselevich A, Kornyshev AA, Lehnert W, 1997, Degradation of solid oxide fuel cell anodes due to sintering of metal particles - Correlated percolation model, Journal of The Electrochemical SocietY, Vol: 144, Pages: 3010-3019, ISSN: 0013-4651
    190.Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, Stimming U, 1997, A model for low temperature electrochemical proton transfer: Temperature and isotope effects on kinetic parameters, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol: 106, Pages: 9523-9528, ISSN: 0021-9606
    191.Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, Ulstrup J, Stimming U , 1997, Medium effects on elementary charge transfer processes in liquid and solid environments, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol: 101, Pages: 5917-5935, ISSN: 1520-6106
    192.Kornyshev AA, Leikin S, 1997, Theory of interaction between helical molecules, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol: 107, Pages: 3656-3674, ISSN: 0021-9606
    193.Kornyshev AA, Sutmann G, 1997, Nonlocal dielectric response of water and reorganization energies for outer sphere electron transfer reactions, Electrochimica Acta, Vol: 42, Pages: 2801-2808, ISSN: 0013-4686
    194.Kornyshev AA, Sutmann G, 1997, Nonlocal dielectric saturation in liquid water, Physical Review Letters, Vol: 79, Pages: 3435-3438, ISSN: 0031-9007
    195.Abel J, Kornyshev AA, 1996, Random-network simulation of an ultracapacitor based on metal-solid-electrolyte composite, Physical Review B, Vol: 54, Pages: 6276-6286, ISSN: 0163-1829
    196.Bopp PA, Kornyshev AA, Sutmann G, 1996, Static nonlocal dielectric function of liquid water, Physical Review Letters, Vol: 76, Pages: 1280-1283, ISSN: 0031-9007
    197.Daikhin LI, Kornyshev AA, Urbakh M, 1996, Double-layer capacitance on a rough metal surface, Physical Review E, Vol: 53, Pages: 6192-6199, ISSN: 1539-3755
    198.Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, Makov G, Vigdorovitch MV , 1996, Polaron effects on electronic properties of metal/medium interfaces .1. Uncharged metal/dielectric and metal/electrolyte interfaces, Journal of The Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions, Vol: 92, Pages: 3997-4004, ISSN: 0956-5000
    199.Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, Makov G, Vigdorovitch MV , 1996, Polaron effects on electronic properties of metal/medium interfaces .2. Electrified interfaces: In situ second harmonic generation, Journal of The Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions, Vol: 92, Pages: 4005-4014, ISSN: 0956-5000
    200.Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, Stimming U, Ulstrup J , 1996, Rate processes in interfacial systems near continuous phase transitions, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol: 100, Pages: 11184-11192, ISSN: 0022-3654
    201.Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, Stimming U, Ulstrup J , 1996, Second-order surface phase transitions in electrode kinetics,Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol: 100, Pages: 11175-11183, ISSN: 0022-3654
    202.Kornyshev AA, Sutmann G, 1996, The shape of the nonlocal dielectric function of polar liquids and the implications for thermodynamic properties of electrolytes: A comparative study, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol: 104, Pages: 1524-1544, ISSN: 0021-9606
    203.Makov G, Kornyshev AA, 1996, Profiles of liquid metal surfaces and interfaces from x-ray reflectivity, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol: 104, Pages: 1693-1698, ISSN: 0021-9606
    204.Sumetskii M, Kornyshev AA, Stimming U, 1996, The shape of a nanoprobe determined by imaging spherical clusters, Applied Physics Letters, Vol: 68, Pages: 2436-2438, ISSN: 0003-6951
    205.Andersen JET, Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, Moller P, Ulstrup J , 1995, The electronic tunnel factor in simple electrochemical processes and in-situ scanning tunnel microscopy, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, Vol: 31, Pages: 907-915, ISSN: 1023-1935
    206.Cappadonia M, Kornyshev AA, Krause S, Kuznetsov AM, Stimming U , 1995, Low-temperature proton transport in clathrates (vol 101, pg 7672, 1994), Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol: 102, Pages: 3890-3890, ISSN: 0021-9606
    207.Cevc G, Hauser M, Kornyshev AA, 1995, Effects of the interfacial structure on the hydration force between laterally nonuniform surfaces, Langmuir, Vol: 11, Pages: 3111-3118, ISSN: 0743-7463
    208.Gluzman S, Kornyshev AA, Neimark AV, 1995, Electrophysical properties of metal-solid-electrolyte composites, Physical Review B, Vol: 52, Pages: 927-938, ISSN: 1098-0121
    209.Kornyshev AA, Kossakowski DA, Leikin S, 1995, Landau theory of a system with 2 bilinearly coupled order parameters in external-field - exact mean-field solution, critical properties and isothermal susceptibility, Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences, Vol: 50, Pages: 789-794, ISSN: 0932-0784
    210.Cappadonia M, Kornyshev AA, Krause S, Kuznetsov AM, Stimming U , 1994, Low-Temperature proton transport in clathrates, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol: 101, Pages: 7672-7682, ISSN: 0021-9606
    211.Gompper G, Hauser M, Kornyshev AA, 1994, Confined water and hydrophobic attraction as a result of metastable coordination, stabilized by hydrophobic surfaces, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol: 101, Pages: 3378-3389, ISSN: 0021-9606
    212.Kornyshev AA, 1994, Noise in stm due to reorientations of adsorbed molecules, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 376, Pages: 9-14, ISSN: 1572-6657
    213.Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, 1994, Density-Functional for an electron-system in a homogeneous dielectric environment, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Vol: 61, Pages: 103-114, ISSN: 0167-7322
    214.Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, Ulstrup J, 1994, Effect of overpotential on the electronic tunnel factor in diabetic electrochemical processes (vol 98, pg 3836, 1994), Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol: 98, Pages: 8596-8596, ISSN: 0022-3654
    215.Sumetskii M, Kornyshev AA, Stimming U, 1994, Adatom diffusion characteristics from stm noise-theory,Surface Science, Vol: 307, Pages: 23-27, ISSN: 0039-6028
    216.Zhang L, Davis HT, Kornyshev AA, Kroll DM , 1994, Correlation-Induced transition of mobile ions on opposed charge-neutral surfaces, Chemical Physics Letters, Vol: 229, Pages: 638-644, ISSN: 0009-2614
    217.Cevc G, Kornyshev AA, 1993, Simple-Model of dehydration transitions in lamellar systems, such as lipid-membranes, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol: 98, Pages: 5701-5712, ISSN: 0021-9606
    218.Kornyshev AA, Vilfan I, 1993, Electric-Field-Induced transitions on the (110) surfaces of noble-metals,Physical Review B, Vol: 47, Pages: 10775-10784, ISSN: 0163-1829
    219.Sumetskii M, Kornyshev AA, 1993, Noise in stm due to atoms moving in the tunneling space, Physical Review B, Vol: 48, Pages: 17493-17506, ISSN: 1098-0121
    220.Cevc G, Kornyshev AA, 1992, Hydration force microscopy as a new option for studies of solid liquid interfaces - some theoretical considerations, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 330, Pages: 407-417, ISSN: 0022-0728
    221.Dzhavakhidze PG, Kornyshev AA, Liebsch A, Urbakh M , 1992, Theory of 2nd-harmonic generation at the metal-electrolyte interface, Physical Review B, Vol: 45, Pages: 9339-9346, ISSN: 1098-0121
    222.Kornyshev AA, Kossakowski DA, Leikin S, 1992, Surface phase-transitions and hydration forces, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol: 97, Pages: 6809-6820, ISSN: 0021-9606
    223.Kornyshev AA, Vorotyntsev MA, 1991, Electric-Field of fractal clusters, Physica A, Vol: 171, Pages: 98-119, ISSN: 0378-4371
    224.Leikin S, Kornyshev AA, 1991, Mean-Field theory of dehydration transitions, Physical Review A, Vol: 44, Pages: 1156-1168, ISSN: 1050-2947
    225.Leikin S, Kornyshev AA, 1990, Theory of hydration forces - nonlocal electrostatic interaction of neutral surfaces, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol: 92, Pages: 6890-6898, ISSN: 0021-9606
    226.Phelps DK, Kornyshev AA, Weaver MJ, 1990, Nonlocal electrostatic effects on electron-transfer activation-energies-some consequences for and comparisons with electrochemical and homogeneous-phase kinetics, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol: 94, Pages: 1454-1463, ISSN: 0022-3654
    227.Berezhkovskii AM, Kabakchi SA, Kornyshev AA, Chudinov GE , 1989, On the diffusion-controlled reactions of ions, Doklady Akademii Nauk Sssr, Vol: 307, Pages: 625-629, ISSN: 0002-3264
    228.Dzhavakhidze PG, Kornyshev AA, 1989, Sum-Rule and electronic response of metal-surfaces to charging,Soviet Electrochemistry, Vol: 25, Pages: 1104-1107, ISSN: 0038-5387
    229.Dzhavakhidze PG, Kornyshev AA, Tadjeddine A, Urbakh MI , 1989, Potential dependence of the surface-plasmon dispersion-relation and the role of adsorption of anions at the electrochemical interface,Electrochimica Acta, Vol: 34, Pages: 1677-1680, ISSN: 0013-4686
    230.Dzhavakhidze PG, Kornyshev AA, Tadjeddine A, Urbakh MI, 1989, Electromodulation of the surface-plasmon dispersion-relation and adsorption of anions at the electrochemical interface, Physical Review B, Vol: 39, Pages: 13106-13114, ISSN: 0163-1829
    231.Kim ZB, Kornyshev AA, Partenskii MB, 1989, On the anomalously high and negative values of the compact layer capacity in some new models of the metal electrolyte interface, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 265, Pages: 1-9, ISSN: 0022-0728
    232.Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, Phelps DK, Weaver MJ , 1989, Nonlocal electrostatic effects on polar solvation dynamics, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol: 91, Pages: 7159-7166, ISSN: 0021-9606
    233.Kornyshev AA, Leikin S, 1989, Fluctuation theory of hydration forces-the dramatic effects of inhomogeneous boundary-conditions, Physical Review A, Vol: 40, Pages: 6431-6437, ISSN: 1050-2947
    234.Kornyshev AA, Tsitsuashvili GI, Yaroshchuk AE, 1989, Effects of polar-solvent structure in the theory of dielectric exclusion of ions from polymer membrane pores - calculation of the free-energy of charge-transfer from the bulk solvent into pores, Soviet Electrochemistry, Vol: 25, Pages: 932-938, ISSN: 0038-5387
    235.Kornyshev AA, Tsitsuashvili GI, Yaroshchuk AE, 1989, Effects of polar-solvent structure in the theory of dielectric exclusion of ions from polymer membrane pores-formulation of the problem, calculation of potential, Soviet Electrochemistry, Vol: 25, Pages: 923-931, ISSN: 0038-5387
    236.Dzhavakhidze PG, Kornyshev AA, Levadny VG, 1988, The structure of the interface in the solvent-mediated interaction of dipolar surfaces, Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica d-Condensed Matter Atomic Molecular and Chemical Physics Fluids Plasmas Biophysics, Vol: 10, Pages: 627-653, ISSN: 0392-6737
    237.Kornyshev AA, 1988, Correction, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 257, Pages: 305-309, ISSN: 0022-0728
    238.Kornyshev AA, 1988, Effect of dielectric exclusion in a metal pore, and the possibility of reverse-osmosis with metal membranes, Soviet Electrochemistry, Vol: 24, Pages: 385-388, ISSN: 0038-5387
    239.Kornyshev AA, 1988, Non-Local enhancement of the dipole dipole interaction at the interface of 2 dielectrics, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 255, Pages: 297-302, ISSN: 0022-0728

    240.Dzhavakhidze PG, Kornyshev AA, Krishtalik LI, 1987, Activation-Energy of electrode-reactions - the nonlocal effects, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 228, Pages: 329-346, ISSN: 0022-0728
    241.Feldman VJ, Partenskii MB, Kornyshev AA, 1987, On the nonlinear response to charging of a relaxing capacitor, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 237, Pages: 1-11, ISSN: 0022-0728
    242.Kornyshev AA, Urbakh MI, 1987, Influence of interphase relaxation on the optical-properties of the metal electrolyte interface, Soviet Electrochemistry, Vol: 23, Pages: 1222-1222, ISSN: 0038-5387
    243.Kornyshev AA, Urbakh MI, 1987, Interfacial relaxation via s-polarized electroreflectance, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 235, Pages: 11-21, ISSN: 1572-6657
    244.Dzhavakhidze PG, Kornyshev AA, Levadny VK, 1986, The role of the interface in the nonlocal electrostatic theory of hydration force, Physics Letters A, Vol: 118, Pages: 203-208, ISSN: 0375-9601
    245.Kornyshev AA, 1986, On the nonlocal electrostatic theory of hydration force, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 204, Pages: 79-84, ISSN: 0022-0728
    246.Kornyshev AA, Schmickler W, 1986, On the coverage dependence of the partial charge-transfer coefficient, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 202, Pages: 1-21, ISSN: 0022-0728
    247.Kornyshev AA, Ulstrup J, 1986, Polar-Solvent structural parameters from protonation equilibria of aliphatic and alicyclic diamines and from absorption-bands of mixed-valence transition-metal complexes, Chemical Physics Letters, Vol: 126, Pages: 74-80, ISSN: 0009-2614
    248.Feldman V, Kornyshev AA, Partenskii MB, 1985, Density functional simulation of interfacial relaxation and capacity of a model metal electrolyte interface, Solid State Communications, Vol: 53, Pages: 157-164, ISSN: 0038-1098
    249.Kornyshev AA, 1985, Non-Local dielectric response of a polar-solvent and the 2nd-order limiting law for the ionic solution activity-coefficients, Chemica Scripta, Vol: 25, Pages: 63-66, ISSN: 0004-2056
    250.Kornyshev AA, Schmickler W, 1985, An anderson model for electrosorption, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 185, Pages: 253-261, ISSN: 0022-0728
    251.Kornyshev AA, Ulstrup J, 1985, Solvent structural effects on the diffuse double-layer capacitance of metal electrolyte interfaces, Chemica Scripta, Vol: 25, Pages: 58-62, ISSN: 0004-2056
    252.Kornyshev AA, Ulstrup J, 1985, Solvent structural effect on the deviation from linear parsons-zobel plots with increasing electrolyte concentration, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 183, Pages: 387-389, ISSN: 0022-0728
    253.Volkov AG, Kornyshev AA, 1985, Ion-Size dependence of the free-energy of resolvation in ion transfer between solvents, Soviet Electrochemistry, Vol: 21, Pages: 754-758, ISSN: 0038-5387
    254.Dzhavakhidze PG, Kornyshev AA, Tsitsuashvili GI, 1984, Analytical solution of the smith model for the neutral and charged metal-surface, Solid State Communications, Vol: 52, Pages: 401-405, ISSN: 0038-1098
    255.Kornyshev AA, 1984, Indirect interaction between solvophobic particles via solvent density-fluctuations, Journal of Structural Chemistry, Vol: 25, Pages: 248-251, ISSN: 0022-4766
    256.Kornyshev AA, Partenskii MB, Schmickler W, 1984, Self-consistent density functional-approach to a metal electrolyte solution interface, Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences, Vol: 39, Pages: 1122-1133, ISSN: 0932-0784
    257.Kornyshev AA, Volkov AG, 1984, On the evaluation of standard gibbs energies of ion transfer between 2 solvents, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 180, Pages: 363-381, ISSN: 0022-0728
    258.Kornyshev AA, Vorotyntsev MA, 1984, Field-Induced interfacial relaxation and electrical-properties of the compact layer, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 167, Pages: 1-14, ISSN: 0022-0728
    259.Vorotyntsev MA, Kornyshev AA, 1984, Models to describe the collective properties of the metal solvent interface in electric double-layer theory, Soviet Electrochemistry, Vol: 20, Pages: 1-45, ISSN: 0038-5387
    260.Kornyshev AA, 1983, Non-Local dielectric response of a polar-solvent and debye-screening in ionic solution, Journal of The Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions II, Vol: 79, Pages: 651-661, ISSN: 0300-9238
    261.Vorotyntsev MA, Izotov VY, Kornyshev AA, 1983, Differential capacitance of the electric double-layer in dilute-solutions of surface-inactive electrolytes and upon the specific adsorption of ions - nonlocal and non-linear effects, Soviet Electrochemistry, Vol: 19, Pages: 364-368, ISSN: 0038-5387
    262.Vorotyntsev MA, Izotov VY, Kornyshev AA, Schmickler W , 1983, Capacitance of the metal electrolyte solution interface - effects produced by the metals electron-density penetrating into the solvent, Soviet Electrochemistry, Vol: 19, Pages: 260-267, ISSN: 0038-5387
    263.Vorotyntsev MA, Izotov VY, Kornyshev AA, 1983, Electrostatic interaction of adsorbed ions and capacitance characteristics of the electric double layer at the electrode/electrolyte interface, Poverkhnost, Pages: 97-110
    264.Holub K, Kornyshev AA, 1982, Comment on the solvent structure in thermodynamics of electrolytes - anomalous behavior of activity-coefficients at low concentrations, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol: 142, Pages: 57-65, ISSN: 0022-0728
    265.Kornyshev AA, Schmickler W, Vorotyntsev MA, 1982, Nonlocal electrostatic approach to the problem of a double-layer at a metal-electrolyte interface, Physical Review B, Vol: 25, Pages: 5244-5256, ISSN: 0163-1829
    266.Kornyshev AA, Vorotyntsev MA, Nielsen H, Ulstrup J , 1982, Nonlocal screening effects in the long-range inter-ionic interaction in a polar-solvent, Journal of The Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions II, Vol: 78, Pages: 217-241, ISSN: 0300-9238
    267.Kornyshev AA, 1981, Nonlocal screening of ions in a structurized polar liquid - new aspects of solvent description in electrolyte theory, Electrochimica Acta, Vol: 26, Pages: 1-20, ISSN: 0013-4686
    268.Kornyshev AA, Vorotyntsev MA, 1981, Conductivity and space-charge phenomena in solid electrolytes with one mobile charge carrier species, a review with original material, Electrochimica Acta, Vol: 26, Pages: 303-323, ISSN: 0013-4686
    269.Kornyshev AA, Vorotyntsev MA, 1981, Nonlocal dielectric response of the electrode-solvent interface in the double-layer problem, Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie, Vol: 59, Pages: 2031-2042, ISSN: 0008-4042
    270.kornyshev AA, vorotyntsev MA, ulstrup J, 1981, The effect of spatial-dispersion of the dielectric permittivity on the capacitance of thin insulating films - non-linear dependence of the inverse capacitance on film thickness, Thin Solid Films, Vol: 75, Pages: 105-118, ISSN: 0040-6090
    271.Holub K, Kornyshev AA, 1980, Nonlocal screening in a polar-solvent, Journal of The Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions II, Vol: 76, Pages: 67-81, ISSN: 0300-9238
    272.Kornyshev AA, Vorotyntsev MA, 1980, Nonlocal electrostatic approach to the double-layer and adsorption at the electrode-electrolyte interface, Surface Science, Vol: 101, Pages: 23-48, ISSN: 0039-6028
    273.Vorotyntsev MA, Kornyshev AA, 1980, Electrostatic interaction at the metal-dielectric interface,Zhurnal Eksperimentalnoi I Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, Vol: 78, Pages: 1008-1019, ISSN: 0044-4510
    274.Vorotyntsev MA, Kornyshev AA, Rubinshtein AI, 1980, Possible mechanisms of controlling ionic interaction at the electrode-solution interface, Soviet Electrochemistry, Vol: 16, Pages: 65-67, ISSN: 0038-5387
    275.Kornyshev AA, Vorotyntsev MA, 1979, Model nonlocal electrostatics .3. cylindrical interface, Journal of Physics c-Solid State Physics, Vol: 12, Pages: 4939-4946, ISSN: 0022-3719
    276.Vorotyntsev MA, Kornyshev AA, 1979, Physical significance of an effective dielectric-constant that depends on the distance from the electrode, Soviet Electrochemistry, Vol: 15, Pages: 560-564, ISSN: 0038-5387
    277.Vorotyntsev MA, Kornyshev AA, Rubinstein AI, 1979, Electrostatic interaction of ions in solution on the electrode surface - effects of ion field penetration in the electrode, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol: 248, Pages: 1321-1324, ISSN: 0002-3264
    278.Kornyshev AA, 1978, Correction, Journal of Physics C-Solid State Physics, Vol: 11, Pages: L897-L897, ISSN: 0022-3719
    279.Kornyshev AA, Rubinshtein AI, Vorotyntsev MA, 1978, Model nonlocal electrostatics, Journal of Physics c-Solid State Physics, Vol: 11, Pages: 3307-3322, ISSN: 0022-3719
    280.Kornyshev AA, Vorotyntsev MA, 1978, Analytic-expression for potential-energy of a test charge bounded by solid-state plasma, Journal of Physics c-Solid State Physics, Vol: 11, Pages: L691-L694, ISSN: 0022-3719
    281.Kornyshev AA, Vorotyntsev MA, 1978, Aspects of conductivity and space-charge phenomena in solid electrolytes, Electrochimica Acta, Vol: 23, Pages: 267-270, ISSN: 0013-4686
    282.Vorotyntsev MA, Gurevich YY, Kornyshev AA, 1978, Unipolar conduction model in solid electrolytes,Soviet Electrochemistry, Vol: 14, Pages: 1-6, ISSN: 0038-5387
    283.Vorotyntsev MA, Kornyshev AA, Rubinshtein AI, 1978, Interpolation formula for the energy of a charge near the interface between dielectrics with nonlocal properties, Soviet Electrochemistry, Vol: 14, Pages: 704-705, ISSN: 0038-5387
    284.Itskovich EM, Kornyshev AA, Vorotyntsev MA, 1977, Electric-current across metal-solid electrolyte interface. 1.direct-current, current-voltage characteristic, Physica Status Solidi a-Applied Research, Vol: 39, Pages: 229-238, ISSN: 0031-8965
    285.Kornyshev AA, Rubinshtein AI, Vorotyntsev MA, 1977, Image potential near a dielectric-plasma-like medium interface, Physica Status Solidi b-Basic Research, Vol: 84, Pages: 125-132, ISSN: 0370-1972
    286.Kornyshev AA, Vorotyntsev MA, 1977, Electric-current across metal-solid electrolyte interface. 2.low-amplitude alternating-current, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLIED RESEARCH, Vol: 39, Pages: 573-582, ISSN: 0031-8965
    287.Vorotyntsev MA, Kornyshev AA, 1977, DIrect-current in a cell with unipolar ionic-conductivity, Soviet Electrochemistry, Vol: 13, Pages: 468-470, ISSN: 0038-5387
    288.Vorotyntsev MA, Kornyshev AA, 1977, Concerning theory of voltammetric characteristics of electrochemical cells with a solid electrolyte, Soviet Electrochemistry, Vol: 13, Pages: 470-473, ISSN: 0038-5387
    289.Vorotyntsev MA, Kornyshev AA, Rubinshtein AI, 1977, Potential-energy of ions near electrodes-effect of penetration of ions field into electrode, Soviet Electrochemistry, Vol: 13, Pages: 1529-1529, ISSN: 0038-5387
    290.Holub K, Kornyshev AA, 1976, Polar-solvent structure in debye-huckel theory of strong electrolytes,Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences, Vol: 31, Pages: 1601-1608, ISSN: 0932-0784
    291.Kharkats YI, Kornyshev AA, Vorotyntsev MA, 1976, Electrostatic models in theory of solutions, Journal of The Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions II, Vol: 72, Pages: 361-371, ISSN: 0300-9238
    292.Vorotyntsev MA, Kornyshev AA, 1976, Model of conductivity and structure of space-charge in solid electrolyte, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol: 230, Pages: 631-634, ISSN: 0002-3264
    293.Dogonadz R, Kornyshe A, 1974, Polar-solvent structure in theory of ionic solvation, Journal of The Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions II, Vol: 70, Pages: 1121-1132, ISSN: 0300-9238
    294.Dogonadz R, Kiryanov VA, Kornyshe A, 1973, Role of polar-solvent structure in statistical mechanics of strong electrolyte solutions, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol: 212, Pages: 904-907, ISSN: 0002-3264
    295.Dogonadz R, Kornyshe A, 1972, Magnetic scattering of neutral particles in polar media and study of permittivity dispersion in space and time, Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research, Vol: 49, Pages: 453-&, ISSN: 0370-1972
    296.Dogonadz R, Kornyshe A, 1972, Phenomenological theory of polar systems, Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research, Vol: 53, Pages: 439-&, ISSN: 0370-1972
    297.Dogonadz R, Kornyshe A, 1972, Possibility of permittivity determination based on data concerning positronium in a polar medium, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol: 204, Pages: 1381-&, ISSN: 0002-3264
    298.Dogonadz R, Kornyshe A, 1972, Interaction of ions in a polar fluid, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol: 207, Pages: 896-898, ISSN: 0002-3264

    299.King GA, Cortini R, Lee DJ, Kornyshev AA, Wuite GJL , 2014, Friction and interactions between bare DNA molecules: The role of DNA handedness, 58th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, Publisher: CELL PRESS, Pages: 439A-440A, ISSN: 0006-3495
    300.Cortini R, Kornyshev AA, Lee DJ, Leikin S , 2011, Helix specific electrostatic effects in DNA braiding and supercoiling, 8th EBSA European Biophysics Congress, Publisher: Springer, Pages: 219-219, ISSN: 0175-7571
    301.Rudd L, Lee DJ, Kornyshev AA, 2007, The role of electrostatics in the B to A transition of DNA: from solution to assembly - art. no. 416103, International Workshop on Current Challenges in Liquid and Glass Science, Pages: 16103-16103
    302.Eikerling M, Ioselevich AS, Kornyshev AA, 2004, How good are the electrodes we use in PEFC? Understanding structure vs performance of membrane-electrode assemblies, Proceedings of 2nd European fuel cell forum, Lucerne, 30-4 July 2003, Pages: 139-154
    303.Daikhin LI, Kornyshev AA, Urbakh M, 1999, Effect of capillary waves on the double layer capacitance of the interface between two immiscible electrolytes, Portucalensis Conference on Electrified Interfaces, Publisher: Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, Pages: 685-690, ISSN: 0013-4686
    304.Kulikovsky AA, Kornyshev AA, 2001, How much of the feed channel is used in PEFC/DMFC?, 1st polymer electrolyte fuel cell, PEFC, Lucerne, Switzerland, July 2001, Publisher: European Fuel Cell Forum, Pages: 309-320
    305.Eikerling M, Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, Ulstrup J, Walbran S , 2001, Theory of proton conductance of polymer electrolyte membranes, Polymer electrolyte fuel cell, PEFC, Lucerne, Switzerland, 2001, Publisher: European Fuel Cell Forum, Pages: 91-96
    306.Divisek J, Eikerling M, Kornyshev AA, Kulikovsky AA , 2001, From modeling of physical processes in fuel cells to new cell design, PEFC : 1st European PEFC forum, Lucerne, Switzerland, 2 - 5 July 2001, Pages: 281-284
    307.Kornyshev AA, Sutmann G, 1997, Static and dynamic nonlocal dielectric response of water, singapore, electron and ion transfer in condensed media, Publisher: World Scientific, Pages: 73-96
    308.Kornyshev AA, Leikin S, Sutmann G, 1997, ''Overscreening'' in a polar liquid as a result of coupling between polarization and density fluctuations, 6th International Frumkins Symposium Dedicated to Alexander Naumovich Frunkins Centenary, Publisher: Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, Pages: 849-865, ISSN: 0013-4686
    309.Andersen JET, Kornyshev AA, Kuznetsov AM, Madsen LL, Moller P, Ulstrup J , 1997, Electron tunnelling in electrochemical processes and in situ scanning tunnel microscopy of structurally organized systems, 6th International Frumkins Symposium Dedicated to Alexander Naumovich Frunkins Centenary, Publisher: Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, Pages: 819-831, ISSN: 0013-4686
    310.Daikhin LI, Kornyshev AA, Urbakh M, 1997, Double layer capacitance on a rough metal surface: surface roughness measured by ''Debye ruler'', Baltic Conference on Interfacial Electrochemistry - Electrochemical Reactivity of Electrode Surface, Publisher: Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, Pages: 2853-2860, ISSN: 0013-4686
    311.Kornyshev AA, Vilfan I, 1995, phase-transitions at the electrochemical interface, Surface structure and electrochemical reactivity, Publisher: Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, Pages: 109-127, ISSN: 0013-4686
    312.Burstein MA, Hall ST, Kornyshev AA, 1995, A study of the effect of particle fractal geometry on flotation performance, XIX International Mineral Processing Congress on Leading Mineral Processing into the 21st-Century Through Advanced Technology, Publisher: Soc Min Engineers Aime, Pages: 77-80
    313.Kornyshev AA, 1991, Condensed matter physics in electrochemistry, Singapore, Condensed matter physics aspects of electrochemistry, Publisher: World Scientific, Pages: 7-44
    314.Kornyshev AA, Kossakowski D, Vorotyntsev MA, 1991, On the analytical properties of the static dielectric function of water, Singapore, Condensed Matter Physics Aspects of Electrochemistry, Publisher: World Scientific, Pages: 92-109
    315.Dzhavakhidze PG, Kornyshev AA, Liebsch A, Urbakh MI , 1991, Theory of the 2nd harmonic-generation at the metal electrolyte interface, Publisher: Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, Pages: 1829-1833, ISSN: 0013-4686
    316.Dzhavakhidze PG, Kornyshev AA, Liebsch A, Urbakh MI , 1991, Theory of the 2nd harmonic-generation at the metal electrolyte interface, interdisciplinary conf on electrified interfaces, Pages: 1835-1838
    317.Kornyshev AA, 1991, Metal electrons in the double-layer theory, working party on electrochemistry : condensed matter, atomic and molecular physics aspects, Publisher: World Scientific Publ Co Pte LTD, Pages: 137-138
    318.Kornyshev AA, 1991, Condensed matter physics in electrochemistry, working party on electrochemistry : condensed matter, atomic and molecular physics aspects, Publisher: World Scientific Publ Co Pte LTD, Pages: 7-43
    319.Kornyshev AA, 1991, Nonlocal electrostatics in electrochemistry, working party on electrochemistry : condensed matter, atomic and molecular physics aspects, Publisher: World Scientific Publ Co Pte LTD, Pages: 64-67
    320.Kornyshev AA, Kossakowski Da, Vorotyntsev Ma, 1991, On the analytical properties of the static dielectric function of water, working party on electrochemistry : condensed matter, atomic and molecular physics aspects, Publisher: World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, Pages: 92-109
    321.Kornyshev AA, 1989, Metal electrons in the double-layer theory, International conf on chemistry and physics of electrified interfaces, Publisher: Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, Pages: 1829-1847, ISSN: 0013-4686
