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英国帝国理工的MARCOS MILLAN教授来我院讲学

发布日期:2015-10-27    作者:     来源:     点击:

本站讯 2015年10月23日,英国帝国理工的MARCOS MILLAN教授在动力楼201会议室与学院教师进行了交流座谈,能源学院副院长罗小兵、周铭以及部分教师参加了交流会。会上,MARCOS MILLAN教授首先介绍了帝国理工大学的基本情况,对学校在国际上的排名,科研资金来源以及生源来源(本科生,研究生比例)、教学方式、研究理念、研究院的合作方式等方面进行了详细介绍。随后,他又介绍了自己研究的情况,研究的架构,研究团队的组成以及未来的研究方向。他的报告引起了与会教师的强烈反响和极大兴趣,大家进行了深入讨论和互动。



An overview presentation to fuel-related research carried out in the Department of Chemical Engineering of Imperial College. This research aims to address some of the main issues facing energy supply in the fields of power generation and transport fuels. Challenges related to power generation include the need for decreasing carbon dioxide emissions associated with fossil fuel utilisation and introducing renewable energy sources. Regarding transport fuels, due to the decline in the production of light oils there is a need to utilise new sources such as heavy oils and biomass-derived feedstocks. Current research in these fields at Imperial College involving zero-emission gasification processes, the use of combined gasification and fuel cell cycles, and new technologies for upgrading heavy hydrocarbons into transport fuels will be highlighted.


Dr Marcos Millan graduated as a Chemical Engineer from the University of the Republic of Uruguay in 2001. In 2005, he completed his PhD on “Catalytic Hydrocracking and Characterisation of Heavy Hydrocarbons Liquids” in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College, which he joined as a lecturer in 2006. He is currently a Reader in the same Department and his research interests focus on gasification of solid fuels, production of liquid fuels from biomass pyrolysis, and heavy oil upgrading and characterisation. His current projects include oxyfuel co-gasification of coal and biomass in a fluidised bed; tar abatement in downdraft biomass gasification; and upgrading of heavy oils in supercritical water. He has authored over 60 publications in international journals and supervised 9 PhD and 17 MSc theses.