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姓 名 关寅 性 别
职 称 副教授 毕业学校 德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校
邮 箱 yinguan@hust.edu.cn
关寅,男,1986年3月生,湖北武汉人,副教授,美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校机械工程系博士。现就职于华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院,研究方向主要包括:氢能利用、燃料电池、三维微纳制造等。主持国家重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目等国家级项目多项,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目及若干其他国家级科研项目等。目前已发表论文四十余篇,包括氢能领域顶级期刊International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Renewable Energy, 流体领域顶级期刊Physics of Fluids, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 在内的期刊论文二十余篇。现担任国家能源燃料电池研发中心(筹)技术委员会委员,美国机械工程师学会(ASME)会员,美国传热及流体工程师协会(ASTFE)会员,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Renewable Energy, Energy, Physics of Fluids, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Langmuir等国际一流期刊审稿人。课题组热忱欢迎有志于从事新能源与氢能利用科学研究的学生加入,也欢迎对科研有兴趣的本科生以课外兴趣小组的形式参与。


    2016年7月 ~ 2021年10月,华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院,流体机械及工程系,讲师
    2009年8月 ~ 2015年5月,美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校,机械及航空航天工程学院,助研、助教
    2009年8月 ~ 2015年5月,美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校,机械工程,博士
    2004年9月 ~ 2008年6月,华中科技大学环境学院,建筑环境与设备工程,学士




    1. 面向高功率氮化镓器件的高压CO2气体辅助静电喷雾冷却机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024/01-2027/12,在研,主持
    2. 多功能墨水电流体喷印原理与喷印模式演变规律,国家重点研发计划子课题,2021/12-2024/11,在研,主持
    3. 基于射流稳定喷射与微液面有序振荡的高频电流体按需喷印过程研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2020/01-2022/12,已结题,主持
    4. 柔性电子喷印制造中非牛顿流体液滴生成和冲击动力学研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,2020/01-2024/12,300万元,在研,参与,第四负责人
    5. 基于热流逸效应的努森压缩机跨尺度流动机理及传输特性研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020/01-2023/12,58万元,在研,参与,第三负责人
    6. 深海采矿提升电泵研发,民用横向项目(技术开发),2018/11-2020/04,58万元,已结题,参与


    1.Y. Guo, Y Guan*, B. He, Y. Sha, M. Wang, Z. Hu, Y. Lei, Numerical investigation into the transition of electrohydrodynamic spraying modes and behaviors, Phys. Fluids, In press, (2024)
    2.Y. Jiang, L. Yang, D. Ye, Y. Guan, W. Deng, W. Lai, Y. Huang, Modeling and analysis of jetting behavior of surface charge-induced electrohydrodynamic printing, Phys. Fluids, In press, (2024)
    3.X. Yu, Y. Guan, S. Cai, Z. Tu*, S. H. Chan, An experimental study on the hydrogen utilization in air-cooled proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack with a novel anode outlet design. Renew. Energ., 231, 120990 (2024).
    4.W. Lai, L. Di, C. Zhao, Y. Tian, Y. Duan, Y. Pan, D. Ye, L. Jiang, Y. Guo, G. He, W. Deng, Y. Guan*, Y. Huang*, Electrospray Deposition for Electronic Thin Films on 3D Freeform Surfaces: From Mechanisms to Applications. Adv. Mater. Technol. 2400192 (2024)
    5.J. Wu, S. Cai, Y. Guan*, S. Li, Z. Tu*, Design and performance evaluation of power system for unmanned ship based on proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ., 59, 730-741 (2024)
    6.Y. Tian, B. Wang, C. Zhao, W. Lai*, Y. Guan, W. Deng, and Y. Huang*, Regulating air cushioning and bubble entrapment in charged droplet impact via external electric fields. Phys. Fluids, 35(6), 063311 (2023)
    7.Y. Guan, M. Wang, S. Wu, J.Fu, X. Chen*, The spreading and sliding characteristics of droplet impingement on an inclined hydrophobic surface at low Weber numbers. Int. J. Heat Fluid Fl., 100, 109113 (2023)
    8.Y. Tian, L. Di, W. Lai, Y. Guan*, W. Deng, and Y. Huang*, Numerical investigation of air cushioning in the impact of micro-droplet under electrostatic fields. Phys. Fluids, 35(1), 013339 (2023)
    9.Y. Guan, M. Wang, S. Wu, Y. Tian, D. Ye*, Y. Huang*, Modeling and analysis of electrohydrodynamic printing under various pulsed voltage waveforms. Microfluid. Nanofluid., 27(2), 10 (2023)
    10.Y. Guan, M. Wang, S. Wu, Y. Sha, Y. Tian, D. Ye*, Y. Huang*, The internal flow behaviors during Taylor cone formation of pulsating electrohydrodynamic jet printing. Phys. Fluids, 34(12), 122007 (2022)
    11.Y. Tian, Z. Peng, Y. Liu, L. Di, Z. Zhan, D. Ye, Y. Guan, X. Zhou, W. Deng*, and Y. Huang*, Effects of the electric field on the overall drop impact on a solid surface. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 7, 113604 (2022)
    12.Y. Guan, S. Wu, M. Wang, Y. Tian, W. Lai*, Y. Huang*, Numerical analysis of electrohydrodynamic jet printing under constant and step change of electric voltages. Phys. Fluids, 34(6), 062005 (2022)
    13.Y. Guan, S. Wu, M. Wang, Y. Tian, C. Yu, W. Lai, Y. Huang*, Numerical investigation of high-frequency pulsating electrohydrodynamic jet at low electric Bond numbers. Phys. Fluids, 34(1), 012001 (2022)
    14.Y. Tian, Y. Liu, Z. Peng, C. Xu, D. Ye, Y. Guan, X. Zhou, W, Deng*, Y. Huang*, Air entrapment of a neutral drop impacting onto a flat solid surface in electric fields. J. Fluid Mech., 946, A21 (2022)
    15.Y. Guan, J. Fu, S. Wu, C. Yu, X. Chen, C. Zhou*, The dynamical behaviors of water drop impacting and bouncing on an inclined hydrophobic surface. Colloid. Surface. A, 627, 127087 (2021)
    16.Y. Guan, J. Fu, S. Wu, X. Chen, C. Zhou*, The post-impact dynamics of drop rebound on inclined hydrophobic surfaces of various wettabilities. Phys. Fluids, 33(7), 072108 (2021)
    17.W. Guo, G. Hou*, Y. Guan, S. Liu, Numerical study on slip flow using the discrete unified gas-kinetic scheme. Int. J. Numer. Method H., (2021)
    18.Y. Guan, J. Tu, B. Li, J. Fu, M. Zhu, X. Chen*, and C. Zhou*, Stripped Electrode Based Electrowetting-on-Dielectric Digital Microfluidics for Precise and Controllable Parallel Microdrop Generation. Langmuir, 36(32), pp. 9540–9550 (2020)
    19.Y. Guan, M. Zhu, B. Li, J. Tu, L. Xing, and X. Chen*, Numerical investigation of continuous droplet transport in parallel-plate electrowetting-on-dielectric digital microfluidics (EWOD DMF) with stripped electrodes. Phys. Fluids, 32(1), pp. 012010 (2020)
    20.Y. Guan*, B. Li, M. Zhu, S. Cheng, J. Tu (2019) Deformation, speed, and stability of droplet motion in closed electrowetting-based digital microfluidics. Phys. Fluids, 31(6), pp. 062002 (2019)
    21.L. Guo, Y. Duan, W. Deng, Y. Guan, Y. Huang, and Z. Yin, Charged Satellite Drop Avoidance in Electrohydrodynamic Dripping. Micromachines, 10(3), 172, (2019)
    22.Y. Guan, B. Li, L. Xing*, Numerical investigation of electrowetting-based droplet splitting in closed digital microfluidic system: Dynamics, mode, and satellite droplet. Phys. Fluids, 30(11), pp. 112001 (2018)
    23.Y. Guan*, A. Y. Tong, N. Y. J. B. Nikapitiya, H. Moon, Numerical modeling of microscale droplet dispensing in parallel-plate electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWOD) devices with various reservoir designs. Microfluid. Nanofluid., 20(2):39 (2016)
    24.Y. Guan* and A. Y. Tong, A numerical study of microfluidic droplet transport in a parallel-plate electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWOD) device. Microfluid. Nanofluid., 19(6):1477–1495 (2015)
    25.Y. Guan* and A. Y. Tong, A numerical study of droplet splitting and merging in a parallel-plate electrowetting-on-dielectric device. J. Heat Transfer, 137, 091016 (2015).
